
BeeBronx Azarel

and Angelstruck was at a show in Norway today.
this is from Lene, owner of BeeBronx Azarel

Judge; Hanne Berit Husby, Norway.

Azarels critiques;
6,5month old dog.
Very good type.
Very good head, a bit to light in ears.
Excellent neck, a bit to straight in uperarm, good develop body.
Excellent proportions in standing, good angulations.
Good colors and tans, good movements.
Good quality in fur.

Placement – 1 and BIR

And a few hours later got a sms from Lene.


And from Angelstruck this picture;

Kritikk: 6md gammel hannhund. Meget god type. Meget godt hode og uttrykk. Meget god hals over/underlinje. Noe rett i overarmen. Bra linjer bak. Skal enda bli litt dypere i brystkassen. Bra benstamme. Karper ryggen under bevegelse slik at det blir veldig ineffektivt.
Plassering: 2.

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